Yep, it's a crappy smoke brunsh!

Just playing with a scribble really, trying to use an old “Blur Your Eye” technique I was taught in the good old days. I used to use it in life drawing sessions to paint or draw at speed. It’s still kinda funny to me how the brain has a strange auto-fill function to help you mentally complete an image.
I should be pushing contrast more, shame on me!
I’m finding Illustrator too time consuming these days, inking anything that’s not cartooned is a real labour and not fun at all. And hey, if your not doing work it’s good to have fun! So…between jobs I’ve been making some speed-ink brushes, pencils brushes and what have you to loosen myself up. I scribbled over a Hiroki Samura drawing to test the ink brush out and I have to say not spending 3 hours inking is quite fun indeed. Don’t fret though, Illustrator will still be used for my main works. These brushes will be used for more experimental or fun stuff.
Tut-tut, if you’re confused about anything in the sketch stage cause your rushing prepared to get a hard smack when you try and shade or colour it. I got to remember to ref poses if I’m gonna speed though things. Tightening the under drawing helps to I guess lol.