Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Emotions Run High

And now my adorable wireless mouse is broken! Wow lol. I'm not even upset about it, to be honest I wasn't even that bothered when my TV blew. As long as I got music to listen to and a pen to draw with I'm not gonna let myself get down. Besides, the Wacom I have has been yearning to be customized for navigation.

This one's a few months old. I felt this way earlier this year. Life can gut punch you sometimes.

On a brighter note....look, a girlie!


Red White said...

............. touch the rainbow. taste the rainbow.

AIM said...

Ahahaha! That's exactly the emotion I was going for. The Rusty Venture feel.

crithon said...

I really hope your printing these out, they look beautiful

AIM said...

I have a giant A3 printer that sitting and waiting to be used for something other that a cup holder. I might have to soon :)