Monday, 29 September 2008

Batgirl Process Part 1

This is for the few people that want to know my process.

I won’t talk about how I do it in depth just yet cause right now my style is fluctuating a bit too much. When I get my own voice and I’m sure I’m not talking to myself I’ll give y’all the whole low down.

This is a 10 or 20 minute scribble done right after the warm up at the bottom there. I don’t know why I drew this on the back of an envelope but that’s just how it started. It’s has a tonne of mistakes but that’s what photoshop’s for.

I can always see my mistakes but I hate using erasers.


Red White said...

Wow, I like the batgirl you got there.
And kudo's on trying not to erase. I erase all the time on my drawings and it can be a big problem.

Anonymous said...

that bottom one is so lovely <3
Awesome job hun.